Auto-Creating Defects from BugSplat in Your Defect Tracker

Auto-Creating Defects from BugSplat in Your Defect Tracker

Auto-Creating Defects from BugSplat in Your Defect Tracker

At BugSplat, we're always looking for ways to seamlessly integrate critical crash data into the support workflow. Another step in that quest has just been launched - the ability to automatically create defects from BugSplat databases in attached third-party trackers like Jira, Github Issues, Azure DevOps and more.

This isn't just a new feature - it's a game-changer. Here's why:

Rich, Contextualized Crash Data

The real gold in bug fixing? Deep insights. And that's what you should expect to be included in every issue you open and close while supporting your app.

With the BugSplat integrated with your defect tracker - that's exactly what you'll get automatically.

And with this new automatic creation issue tool, it will happen without thought or extra clicks.

Soon enough, your team will wonder how they worked without the rich depth of BugSplat crash data attached to each issue in your defect tracker. It's the kind of data that doesn't just point to the problem but illuminates the path to the solution.

Efficiency Like Never Before

We know that for many users, their preferred workflow involves minimizing toggling between tools and limiting the manual decision-making process of what bugs to elevate in their support workflow. With this new feature, you can automate, set your criteria for significance, and let the automation magic happen. It means more time developing and less time on support – precisely what every developer dreams of.

Tackle the Most Disruptive Defects Systematically

For devs supporting shipped software or an app with a broader user base, individual crashes, and reports usually don't rise to the level of importance to address. In these scenarios, issues are only meaningful if they affect a certain number of users or represent a meaningful percentage of overall crashes.

For this scenario, BugSplat allows for auto-creating issues, not just a single crash or error, but from a crash group of similar issues. This enables you to prioritize and systematically address the most disruptive defects plaguing your application, ensuring you and the team are constantly working on the most critical issues.

Integration with Leading Issue Trackers

To top it all off, this automatic issue creation seamlessly integrates with popular issue-tracking platforms, including Jira, GitHub Issues, Azure DevOps, and more.

This is more than just a feature. It's a commitment to empowering you to work smarter, not harder. This leap forward will redefine how you tackle bugs, making the entire process more streamlined, practical, and insightful. Welcome to the future of efficient bug fixing!

Where to Find the Feature

To locate the settings for this functionality:

  1. Go to the database settings.
  2. Navigate to the Integrations tab.

Alternatively, you can directly access the page using this link to access the defect trackers page in your Settings.

Options to Choose From

BugSplat offers two primary ways to generate defects:

  1. For Every New Crash: Every new crash in BugSplat will create a new issue in your third-party tracker.
  2. For Every New Type of Crash Group: BugSplat will create a new issue for each unique crash group instead of every individual crash.

For the second option, there's an added flexibility. You can set a threshold for the number of crashes a group should have before an issue is auto-generated. Setting this number to zero means an issue will be generated for every new crash group, no matter how many crashes it contains.

Steps to Activate the Feature

  1. Visit the Integrations tab in the database settings through the link mentioned earlier.
  2. Pick the option that aligns with your preferences.
  3. If opting for the crash group option, remember to set your threshold.
  4. Click on 'Save'.

Once configured, you can rest easy, knowing BugSplat is working in the background, auto-generating comprehensive issue reports in your third-party tracker whenever the set conditions are met.

What's Coming Next?

At BugSplat we're relentless in our drive to enhance the software's capabilities. Users can look forward to more integration features for third-party trackers, which will be rolled out in the foreseeable future.

We Want to Hear from You!

Your insights and suggestions fuel our progress. Kindly share your feedback or feature requests with us here or on our new Discord. By sharing your needs and ideas, you play an instrumental role in refining and expanding BugSplat's third-party tracker integrations.

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