The BugSplat Blog

Build Seriously Stable Apps

Joey P
Joey P
At BugSplat, we are passionate about preventing software and video game crashes—but not all crashes are caused by bugs in code! In the early 80’s the video game industry was booming in North America - the price of home consoles had dropped, and the demand for new video games was skyrocketing.
What was the Great Video Game Crash of 1983?
Joey P
Joey P
On a fall day in mid-October 1958, a nuclear physicist, Dr. William “Willy” Higinbotham, prepared something special for the visitors of Brookhaven National Laboratory’s annual public exhibition. At that event he unwittingly created what might be the worlds first video game.
What Was the World’s First Video Game?
Bobby Galli
Bobby Galli
BugSplat recently added Crash Grouping and Aggregation in Search. Grouping crashes provides new insight into your product's stability and allows you to prioritize fixes based on a wide variety of criteria. To try out this new feature, navigate to the Crashes page.
Crash Grouping and Aggregation in Search
Bobby Galli
Bobby Galli
Crashpad is a cross-platform system for end-to-end crash reporting. Crashpad supports reporting of native crashes on a variety of operating systems including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Crashpad also provides tools such as dump_syms, symupload and minidump_stackwalk that provide developers with function names, file names, and line
How to Build Google Crashpad
Crash Report Client is an Unreal Engine tool that allows developers to capture C++ crash reports from supported platforms. At crash time, a dialog is shown to the user so that they may add comments or replication steps to the details of the report. Once the crash report is submitted,
How to customize your Unreal Engine Crash Report Client
BugSplat Team
BugSplat Team
BugSplat recently added Crash Grouping and Aggregation in Search. Grouping crashes provides new insight into your product's stability and allows you to prioritize fixes based on a wide variety of criteria. To try out this new feature, navigate to the Crashes page.
Quickly determine how many users experienced a crash
Joey P
Joey P
You’re typing away on your computer, minding your own business when your application freezes. There’s that moment of panic, maybe the software’s just be
Why NASA's Code Doesn't Crash
Bobby Galli
Bobby Galli
BugSplat now supports attachments for Crashpad out of the box. Developers can include additional files with the Crashpad crash upload using the newest release of the BugSplat Crashpad SDK.
Support for Crashpad Attachments

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